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Stop Dog From Digging
Older Dogs Have Special Needs
Dogs love to dig, let's face it, it is a very natural and instinctual
part of their makeup, and "it is a very enjoyable behavior for
them" says Deborah L. Forthman, Ph.D. digging is something that dogs
have been doing from the beginning, but there are ways to reduce the
amount your dog digs.
Here are 7 different methods to help train your dog not to dig.
1.Before you begin with your dog obedience training on how to stop him
from digging, try to figure out exactly what is causing your dog to behave
that way. If he is very persistent into digging in one area, you may use
the dog training command “leave” while using treats to distract him.
You can also distract him by using a particular smell that excites him.
These dog behavior modification methods typically work very well.
2. Try not to do any type of gardening and digging when your dog is around
because remember that your dog looks up to you and wants to obey you, that
being the case when your dog sees you digging and playing in the yard of
course he will also think that is what he should be doing.
3. Exercise is a very important aspect of your dog's health, and not only
that, the more exercise your dog gets, and the more energy the expends,
the less likely that your dog will be able to muster up the energy, or the
desire to go digging up your yard. If you find that your dog tends to like
to dig at particular times of the day, then make sure you give him plenty
of exercise around those times if possible so that he just can't be
bothered digging.
4. Make sure that you are more understanding and less scolding with
your dogs digging habit, particularly during the winter months. Often
during the winter months dogs will dig more than the rest of the year the
reasons that these years that your dog has a natural instinct for finding
warmer places and dogs sense that by digging, they will get into a warmer
area and this is certainly correct. If and when you do notice that your
dog is digging more frequently when the temperature is cooler outside,
then it is very important to be understanding and not to scold your dog
for doing that, but relieve the situation by providing the right
environment for him.
5. There are some dogs that absolutely positively can't resist digging, so
rather than trying to go against nature and stop them altogether, let's
take a different approach and create a special spot for your dog to dig
in. Most dog experts agree that for some breeds it is almost impossible to
prevent them from digging 100% of the time, and because your dog enjoys
digging so much, train him to only dig in his special spot. The area you
provide for him to did in doesn't need to be that big, something around
three or four foot by six-foot should do the trick nicely.
6. Having your dog neutered or spade is one sure way to reduce their
desire to dig because their drive to mate is drastically reduced, and
without your dog having a strong desire to mate you almost certainly have
a lot less holes in your yard.
7. Be very careful that if you do correct your dog when you catch him
digging in the yard that you only do it with warmth and compassion, and
that you absolutely must do it at the moment in time that he is digging
and that you don't wait for him to stop and then correct him. This will
reinforce whatever he is doing with your response, if you wait until he is
finished and you scold him then he will get the wrong message.
Instead when you catch him digging try to immediately replace one activity
with another, so therefore distract him from his digging and replace it
with an enjoyable activity for him to do. If you continually do this it
will help modify his behavior and reduce your dogs digging adventures.
About the Author
Michael Weber is a passionate dog owner who studies the psychology
of dogs, Michael helps people communicate properly with their dogs
and to fix dog behavior problems fast. Visit here for Your Free
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